What is a Case Disposition?
The case disposition describes the current status of the given lease as of the last data update. Leases include dispositions such as:
Term Definitions
- Pending
- A case awaiting BLM Authorization.
- An issued Lease, Permit, License, Patent, or Order.
- Closed
- A case considered “dead”. These can be rejected, withdrawn, canceled, expired, or relinquished cases.
- Rejected
- A case determined unacceptable after investigation.
- Withdrawn
- A case no longer pursued, as requested by applicant.
- Canceled
- Primarily, an Authorization issued in error. An Authorization may also be canceled or terminated for failure to meet authorized use requirements.
- Expired
- The term of a case has elapsed.
- Relinquished
- A case that has been surrendered after Authorization.
- Void
- A Serial Number that was issued in error.